
import hashlib
import pickle, os
import hmac, random
import sqlite3

def hmac_sha1(key, s):
return hmac.new(key.encode('utf-8'), s.encode('utf-8'), 'MD5').hexdigest()

conn = sqlite3.connect('user.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('create table userpass (name varchar(20) primary key, password varchar(20))')
except Exception as e:

# 建立或者链接数据库
# conn = sqlite3.connect('user.db')
# cursor = conn.cursor()
# try:
# cursor.execute('create table userpass (name varchar(20), password varchar(20))')
# except Exception as e:
# print('Error: ', e)

# 获取用户名和密码信息
# if os.path.exists('/Users/lewisliu/user_information.txt'):
# with open('/Users/lewisliu/user_information.txt', 'rb') as f:
# user_information = pickle.load(f)
# else:
# user_information = dict()

# 注册或者登录
while True:
# conn = sqlite3.connect('user.db')
# cursor = conn.cursor()
# try:
# cursor.execute('create table userpass (name varchar(20) primary key, password varchar(20))')
# except Exception as e:
# pass
# print('Error: ', e)

# 选择模式,注册、登录、退出
model = input("pleas input enroll/login/exit:")
if model == 'enroll':
name = input("please input your name:")
# 用户名重复识别
flag = cursor.execute("select name from userpass where name='%s'" % name).fetchone()
if flag:
print('name is exist!')
password = input("please input your password:")
key = 'liu' # ''.join([chr(random.randint(48, 122)) for i in range(20)])
password = hmac_sha1(key, password)
cursor.execute("insert into userpass (name, password) values ('%s','%s')" % (name, password))
# conn.close()
# if name in user_information.keys():
# print("name is occupied!")
# continue
# password = input("please input your password:")
# # 数据库添加用户名和密码
# key = 'liu' # ''.join([chr(random.randint(48, 122)) for i in range(20)])
# user_information[name] = hmac_sha1(key, password)
# sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
# sha1.update(password.encode('utf-8'))
# user_information[name] = sha1.hexdigest()
elif model == 'login':
name = input("please input your name:")
flag = cursor.execute("select name from userpass where name='%s'" % name).fetchone()
if flag:
password = input("please input your password:")
key = 'liu'
password = hmac_sha1(key, password)
flag = cursor.execute("select name and password from userpass where name = '%s' and password='%s'" % (name, password)).fetchone()
if flag:
print("wrong password! Exit!")
print("name is not exist!")
# if name not in user_information.keys():
# # print("name is not exist!")
# # continue
# # password = input("please input your password:")
# # key = 'liu' # ''.join([chr(random.randint(48, 122)) for i in range(20)])
# # password = hmac_sha1(key, password)
# # # sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
# # # sha1.update(password.encode('utf-8'))
# # # password = sha1.hexdigest()
# # if user_information[name] == password:
# # print("Wellcome!")
# # else:
# # print("wrong name or password! Exit!")
# # with open('/Users/lewisliu/user_information.txt', 'wb') as f:
# # pickle.dump(user_information, f)
# # exit()
elif model == 'exit':
# with open('/Users/lewisliu/user_information.txt', 'wb') as f:
# pickle.dump(user_information, f)
# exit()
print("model wrong!")