


A while back I wrote an article on how to use Outlook 2007 as an RSS reader.  In my new position I am actually using Thunderbird as my email client and wanted to subscribe to RSS feeds using this instead of using a separate app like RSS Owl or Google Reader.  Not that there is anything wrong with those choices, but the more everything can be consolidated the better.

不久前,我写了一篇有关如何将Outlook 2007用作RSS阅读器的文章 。 在我的新职位上,我实际上是使用Thunderbird作为我的电子邮件客户端,并希望使用它来订阅RSS feed,而不是使用单独的应用程序(例如RSS Owl或Google Reader)。 这些选择并不是说有什么问题,但是可以整合的越多越好。

Open Thunderbird and go to Tools Account Settings.  Click on the Add Account button.

打开Thunderbird并转到“工具帐户设置”。 单击添加帐户按钮。


The Account Wizard will open up.  Here select RSS News and Blogs and click Next.

帐户向导将打开。 在这里选择RSS新闻和博客,然后单击下一步。


Create a name for the RSS feed that you are subscribing to and click Finish.

为您要订阅的RSS feed创建一个名称,然后单击“完成”。


Ok now the first part is complete.  Next we need to select the RSS account we just created and choose basic settings on how Thunderbird will handle the feeds.  Then click on the Manage Subscriptions button.

好的,现在第一部分已经完成。 接下来,我们需要选择刚刚创建的RSS帐户,并选择有关Thunderbird如何处理提要的基本设置。 然后单击“管理订阅”按钮。


The RSS Subscriptions manager will come up.  Click on Add and type in or paste the Feed URL (which you get from the website) from the site you are subscribing to and click OK.  Now you can just close out of the RSS Subscriptions window and click OK to exit from the Account Settings screen.

RSS订阅管理器将出现。 单击添加,然后输入或粘贴您要订阅的站点的提要URL (从网站获取) ,然后单击确定。 现在,您可以关闭RSS订阅窗口,然后单击“确定”退出“帐户设置”屏幕。


Now when we go to our newly created RSS account you will see all of the most recent posts from the feed.



翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/79995/subscribe-to-rss-feeds-mozillas-thunderbird/
