mac os添加静态路由

How-To: Add Static Route in Mac OS X

And because i feel lucky today, (0n a Friday the 13th, that looks kind of odd), here’s another how-to. This is how I added a static route on some Xserves. ide

Simple solution: route -n add ui

Permanent solution: Add a startup item (to avoid doing the above command every reboot) spa

cd /System/Library/StartupItems
mkdir AddRoutes
cd AddRoutes ip

Create a file called AddRoutes (note: same as the folder name)
vi AddRoutes it

#!/bin/sh io

# Set static routing tables table

. /etc/rc.common route

StartService ()
if [ “${ADDROUTES:=-NO-}” = “-YES-” ]; then
ConsoleMessage “Adding Static Routing Table”
sudo route -nv add
} file

StopService ()
return 0
} command

StopService ()
return 0

RestartService ()
return 0

RunService “$1″

Then create a file StartupParameters.plist
Description = “Add static routing tables”;
Provides = (”AddRoutes”);
Requires = (”Network”);
OrderPreference = “None”;

Then change permissions:
chmod 755 AddRoutes StartupParameters.plist

Reboot your computer. Verify with netstat -nr