
Among the most important standards for industrial motion control are open networking standards for interoperable communications.git

In a more connected world, machine builders and end users are finding that the digital part of “intelligent” machines is increasingly more complex and challenging to handle. Industry trends focus on topics like modular connected machines, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), plug-and-produce, digital twins, digital factory, and others.The development of motion control applications, as well as the industry itself, is changing rapidly.
To succeed in the quickly evolving future of machine building, and meet the growing expectations of manufacturers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) face challenges of standardized communication and interoperability. End users are buying machines from different machine manufacturers and dealing with different controls platforms and field buses, and related industrial networking issues. Since machines need to be connected to build a machine line, they also should be connected to the cloud.
When a company buys a machine from OEM A and another machine from OEM B, the expectation is that the machines should easily talk to each other—without requiring a lot of engineering to make communication possible. For the end users and machine builders, smart industrial networking leads to an efficient and speedy implementation and facilitates data-based operational optimizations.
Motion standards, protocols
The following organizations are making the most impact when enabling IIoT advancements. The latest developments in open application programming interfaces (APIs) are worthy of attention, including the following standards and protocols that
advance interoperability.
Any machine builder or OEM implementing a cloud-based solution will quickly run across the Open Platform Communications (OPC) Foundation and its Unified Architecture (UA) specification. The OPC UA was released in 2008 as scalable, open-platform technology that would enable better security and data modeling as the manufacturing industry began to explore more service-oriented architectures.
As the amount of data generation at the machine level has grown, the network architectures have had to grow and change. The capacity and performance of standard Ethernet, and industrial Ethernet, may not be keeping up. OPC UA Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN), released in 2018, offers a vendor-agnostic, communication infrastructure for industrial automation based on an open standard.
OPC UA mapping to IEC TSN enables “real-time” (or close to it) communication between disparate machines, controllers, the cloud, and other information technology (IT) solutions. These specifications create what likely will be the closest anyone has come to a holistic communication infrastructure—an evolution that will influence the future design and development of motion control machines.
While OPC UA TSN is a broad protocol that guides whole systems, message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) is a more lightweight protocol that allows two applications to talk to each other. MQTT is often implemented in one product. For example, MQTT allows a sensor or a drive to pull information from the product and send it to the cloud. QTT is considered a foundational IIoT messaging protocol and, in 2016, was approved and accepted globally as an ISO/IEC Standard (20922). As such, MQTT is often used as an element in the larger systems standards.编程

The Organization for Machine Automation and Control (OMAC) is a collection of end-users, OEMs, machine builders, systems integrators, and technology providers. Some of the original OMAC goals were to reduce delivery times, maximize available resources, and increase profitability across the industry while allowing each individual organization to maintain a competitive advantage.
Among core OMAC initiatives is PackML (aka ISA-TR88), a technical standard focused on industrial automation. Originally released in the United States in 2002, PackML simplifies the integration of disparate machines and standardizes hardware-to-software communication by making machine modes, states, and tag naming conventions consistent.
With the latest release of ISA-TR88.00.02, OMAC is helping to advance standardized communication protocols necessary for IIoT enablement by developing a companion specification to OPC UA.
End of one-vendor ecosystems?
Will this end “all in” engagements where customers buy within a one vendor ecosystem? While bigger companies can establish their own protocols, it doesn’t serve the end customer well. When a machine builder or OEM needs something outside of the system, there’s a problem without an open standard. Few companies can supply everything. When it comes to motion control systems and services in the IIoT age, leading machine builders, OEMs and manufacturers seek hardware and software that perform and efficiently deliver comprehensive data to power remote and predictive maintenance, downtime and condition monitoring, performance visualization, and digital asset management.
Collaboration through open industry standards and protocols enables full cloud connectivity and a complete communication network that unlocks the next generation technologies and maintains the integrity of proprietary components.
In the near future, it is expected that OEMs will need to spend 50% to 60% of machine-development time focused on software requirements. This will be a big change, particularly for smaller, traditional machine builders. Using standardized software and harmonized open protocols can help them with the challenge and get machines to market more quickly.api

Scalable automation platform安全

Standards help enable a scalable automation platform, Lenze said. With this article online, see an architecture diagram.
• Cloud: An encrypted wide-area network connects to cloud-based services such as remote service, data monitoring, downtime tracking, and predictive maintenance.
• Process level: A cloud interface communicates with a non-encrypted shop-floor network and machine interfaces using
Profinet Ethernet communications and OPC UA.
• Control level: Logic, motion controllers, and input/output (I/O) devices connect via Ethernet, programming software, and PackML and PLCopen standards.
• Field level: EtherCAT Ethernet protocol connects motion controllers (drives) to I/O and third-party devices.
• Actuator/sensor level: Electromechanical devices, such as motors, sensors, and other actuators, do the moving and sensing for various machines and processes, such as a case erector, a horizontal form file and seal machine, and a delta robot.网络


当一家公司从OEM A购买机器和从OEM B购买另外一台机器时,指望机器应该可以轻松地相互通讯 - 无需大量工程设计便可进行通讯。对于最终用户和机器制造商而言,智能工业网络可实现高效,快速的实施,并促进基于数据的运营优化。
任何实施基于云的解决方案的机器制造商或OEM都将快速运行在开放平台通讯(OPC)基础及其统一架构(UA)规范中。 OPC UA于2008年做为可扩展的开放平台技术发布,随着制造业开始探索更多面向服务的体系结构,该技术将实现更好的安全性和数据建模。
随着机器级数据生成量的增长,网络架构不得不增加和变化。标准以太网和工业以太网的容量和性能可能没法跟上。 OPC UA时间敏感网络(TSN)于2018年发布,为基于开放标准的工业自动化提供了与供应商无关的通讯基础设施。
OPC UA映射到IEC TSN可实现不一样机器,控制器,云和其余信息技术(IT)解决方案之间的“实时”(或接近它)通讯。这些规范创造了最接近总体通讯基础设施的可能性 - 这将影响将来运动控制机器的设计和开发。
虽然OPC UA TSN是一个指导整个系统的普遍协议,但消息队列遥测传输(MQTT)是一种更轻量级的协议,容许两个应用程序相互通讯。 MQTT一般在一个产品中实现。例如,MQTT容许传感器或驱动器从产品中提取信息并将其发送到云。 QTT被认为是基础的IIoT消息传递协议,并在2016年被批准并被全球公认为ISO / IEC标准(20922)。所以,MQTT一般用做较大系统标准中的元素。app

机器自动化与控制组织(OMAC)是最终用户,OEM,机器制造商,系统集成商和技术提供商的集合。 OMAC的一些原始目标是减小交付时间,最大化可用资源,提升整个行业的盈利能力,同时容许每一个组织保持竞争优点。
OMAC的核心计划之一是PackML(又名ISA-TR88),这是一项专一于工业自动化的技术标准。 PackML最初于2002年在美国发布,它简化了不一样机器的集成,并经过使机器模式,状态和标签命名约定保持一致来标准化硬件到软件的通讯。
经过最新版本的ISA-TR88.00.02,OMAC经过开发OPC UA的配套规范,帮助推动IIoT支持所需的标准化通讯协议。



Lenze说,标准有助于实现可扩展的自动化平台。在线阅读本文,请参阅架构图。 •云:加密的广域网链接到基于云的服务,如远程服务,数据监控,停机跟踪和预测性维护。 •流程级别:云端口使用未加密的车间网络和机器接口进行通讯 Profinet以太网通讯和OPC UA。 •控制级别:逻辑,运动控制器和输入/输出(I / O)设备经过以太网,编程软件以及PackML和PLCopen标准进行链接。 •现场级:EtherCAT以太网协议将运动控制器(驱动器)链接到I / O和第三方设备。 •执行器/传感器级别:机电设备,例如电机,传感器和其余执行器,用于各类机器和过程的移动和感测,例如箱式安装工,水平形式文件和密封机,以及三角机器人。