


Fillable PDF forms are much more convenient than filling out pieces of paper by hand, but wouldn’t it be nice to save the forms that you’ve filled out? Nothing would be worse than having to fill out the same boring paperwork twice!

可填写的PDF表单比手动填写纸要方便得多,但是保存已填写的表单不是很好吗? 没有比两次填写相同的无聊文件更糟糕的了!


Having a filled out copy of the form isn’t just good “for your records,” it’s also useful if you notice a typo or small mistake after printing out the form. If you accidentally close Adobe Reader, then you’ll have to type in all that information again!

填写一份表格副本不仅仅可以“记录在案”,如果在打印表格后发现打字错误或小错误,也很有用。 如果您不小心关闭了Adobe Reader,则必须再次输入所有这些信息!

Fortunately there is a free PDF viewing program that allows you fill out fillable forms and save the changes, to be edited later if need be: PDF-XChange Viewer.

幸运的是,有一个免费的PDF查看程序,可让您填写可填写的表单并保存更改,以后需要时可以进行编辑:PDF-XChange Viewer。

After you install PDF-XChange Viewer, open your fillable PDF form (right-click and choose Open With… if PDF-XChange Viewer isn’t the default for opening PDFs).

安装PDF-XChange Viewer后,打开可填写的PDF表单(如果PDF-XChange Viewer不是打开PDF的默认选项,则右键单击并选择Open With...。


Fill out the form.



Click on File > Save, or just press Ctrl+S.

单击文件>保存,或仅按Ctrl + S。


Close the file. If you open it again, you will see that your changes are still intact! In fact, even if you open this file with Adobe Reader, you will find that your changes are still there.

关闭文件。 如果再次打开它,您将看到您的更改仍然完好无损! 实际上,即使使用Adobe Reader打开此文件,您也会发现所做的更改仍然存在。


That’s all you need to do!


We did run into a few cases where the filled out form didn’t open quite right in Adobe Reader, even though it still looked fine in PDF-XChange Viewer. You should keep Adobe Reader around just to confirm that your filled out forms look right if you have to send them digitally.

我们确实遇到了一些情况,即使在PDF-XChange Viewer中看起来填写好的表格在Adobe Reader中打开的方式并不正确。 您应该随身携带Adobe Reader,以确保您必须以数字方式发送时,填写的表格看起来正确。

PDF-XChange Viewer is a great all-purpose PDF viewer, and the ability to save filled out PDF forms makes it even better!

PDF-XChange Viewer是一款出色的多功能PDF查看器,并且能够保存已填写的PDF表单,从而使其更加出色!

Download the free version of PDF-XChange Viewer

下载免费版本的PDF-XChange Viewer

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/29434/how-to-save-fillable-form-data-in-pdfs/
