


No one likes to pay to be able to drive on a specific road, especially if you’re just passing through. Thankfully, Google Maps has an easy way to bypass toll roads when using navigation.

没有人愿意为能够在特定道路上行驶而付钱,特别是如果您只是经过时。 值得庆幸的是,使用导航时,Google Maps可以轻松绕过收费公路。

Aside from just toll roads, Maps can also bypass highways if you’d prefer the scenic route, and avoid ferries if that can be a problem where you live. The only issue here is that avoiding these modern conveniences will almost definitely increase your mileage and drive time, but if you’re okay with that (and plan ahead) then it’s definitely worth the extra hassle to make your day a little bit better.

除了收费公路之外,如果您更喜欢风景优美的路线,地图还可以绕过高速公路;如果这可能是您居住的地方,则可以避免摆渡。 这里唯一的问题是,避免使用这些现代化的便利设施几乎肯定会增加您的行驶里程和行驶时间,但是如果您对此感到满意(并提前计划),那么绝对值得让您的生活变得更好一点。

There isn’t a generalized setting for this, but instead it has to be done once you’ve set your navigation location. So, to get started, fire up Google Maps and input where you want to go.

没有通用设置,而是必须在设置了导航位置后才进行设置。 因此,要开始使用,请启动Google Maps并输入您要去的地方。

Before you tap that start button, however, you’ll need to tap the three dot overflow button in the top right corner.


From there, choose “Route Options.”


Boom: there are your options. You can easily avoid tolls, highways, or ferries with the simple tick of a box. And once you’ve set this option, it will remain enabled for future navigation until you turn it off.

繁荣:有您的选择。 您只需轻按一下方框,即可轻松避开收费站,高速公路或渡轮。 设置此选项后,它将保持启用状态以供将来导航,直到将其关闭为止。

Of course, if you have a long way to travel or live in an area with a lot of toll roads, the financial savings may end up being a wash—what you save in tolls, you’ll likely end up spending in gas. But if it’s worth it to you, I say go for it.

当然,如果您在有很多收费公路的地方旅行或居住很长一段距离,那么节省的资金可能最终会被洗掉-您节省的通行费会最终导致汽油支出。 但是,如果这对您来说值得,我会说。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/316832/how-to-avoid-toll-roads-in-google-maps/
