如何更新Mozilla Firefox

The Mozilla Firefox logo.

Keeping your browser updated is essential for internet security. Mozilla regularly updates Firefox to cover any emerging threats. Updates are free, so here’s how you can install them and stay safe.

保持浏览器更新对于互联网安全至关重要。 Mozilla会定期更新Firefox以覆盖任何新出现的威胁。 更新是免费的,因此这是如何安装它们并保持安全的方法。

在Windows上手动更新 (Manually Update on Windows)

If you want to see if there’s an update for Firefox on your Windows computer, just open Firefox. Click the hamburger icon (the three horizontal lines) in the top-right corner.

如果要查看Windows计算机上是否有Firefox的更新,只需打开Firefox。 单击右上角的汉堡包图标(三条水平线)。

Click hamburger icon in Firefox.

Click “Help” near the bottom of the list.


Click "Help."

In the Help menu, click “About Firefox.”


Click "About Firefox."

The “About Mozilla Firefox” window appears. It provides information about the current version of Firefox your computer is running. If you have the latest version, you’ll see “Firefox Is Up to Date” in this window.

出现“关于Mozilla Firefox”窗口。 它提供有关您的计算机正在运行的Firefox当前版本的信息。 如果您使用的是最新版本,则在此窗口中将看到“ Firefox是最新的”。

If not, you’ll see a “Check for Updates” button. If an update has already loaded in the background, you’ll see a “Restart to Update Firefox” button.

如果没有,您将看到“检查更新”按钮。 如果更新已经在后台加载,您将看到“重新启动更新Firefox”按钮。

Click either of these to allow Firefox to load or install the latest update.


Click "Restart to Update Firefox."

After Firefox restarts, click Help > About Firefox again to make sure you now have the latest version.


在Mac上手动更新 (Manually Update on a Mac)

If you want to update Firefox on a Mac, open the browser. Click “Firefox” in the menu bar at the top of the screen, and then select “About Firefox.”

如果要在Mac上更新Firefox,请打开浏览器。 点击屏幕顶部菜单栏中的“ Firefox”,然后选择“关于Firefox”。

Click "Firefox," and then select "About Firefox."

A window will appear with information about the current version of Firefox you’re Mac is running. If the browser is up to date, you’ll see “Firefox Is Up to Date” in this window.

将出现一个窗口,其中包含有关您正在运行Mac的Firefox当前版本的信息。 如果浏览器是最新的,则此窗口中将显示“ Firefox是最新的”。

If not, you’ll see a “Check for Updates” button. If an update has loaded in the background, you’ll see a “Restart to Update Firefox” button.

如果没有,您将看到“检查更新”按钮。 如果更新已在后台加载,您将看到“重新启动以更新Firefox”按钮。

Click either button to allow Firefox to load an update or restart.


The "About Firefox" window on a Mac.

After Firefox restarts, click Firefox > About Firefox again to double-check that you have the latest version.


开启自动更新 (Turn on Automatic Updates)

By default, Firefox automatically updates itself, but you can disable this. It might a good idea to check your update settings and make sure automatic updates are enabled.

默认情况下,Firefox自动更新自身,但是您可以禁用它。 检查您的更新设置并确保启用自动更新可能是一个好主意。

To do so, open Firefox and click the hamburger icon (the three horizontal lines) in the top-right corner.


Click the hamburger icon.

On Windows, click “Options”; On a Mac, click “Preferences.”

在Windows上,单击“选项”。 在Mac上,单击“首选项”。

Click "Options."

When the Options (Windows) or Preferences (Mac) tab opens, scroll down to the “Firefox Updates” section. Make sure the radio button next to the “Automatically Install Updates” option is selected.

当“选项”(Windows)或“首选项”(Mac)选项卡打开时,向下滚动到“ Firefox更新”部分。 确保已选中“自动安装更新”选项旁边的单选按钮。

In this menu, you can also click “Check for Updates” to manually check.


Select the "Automatically Install Updates" radio button.

From now on, Firefox will automatically update any time Mozilla pushes a new release. You can now rest easy knowing you’ll receive the latest bug fixes as soon as possible.

从现在开始,Firefox将在Mozilla推送新版本时自动进行更新。 现在,您就可以放心了,因为您将尽快收到最新的错误修复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/661458/how-to-update-mozilla-firefox/