
你遇到没遇到过“Microsoft Office Word 遇到问题须要关闭。咱们对此引发的不便表示抱歉”的提示呢?而后有一个“恢复个人工做并重启 Microsoft Office Word”的选择框,并将此问题发送报告给Microsoft。若是你把选择了从新启动,就是一片空白;若是你把选择的“钩”去掉,就老是循环出现这个对话框。给很烦人吧。app

  关键是修复、从新安装都无论用。你是否是急得要发疯呢?# 按照Microsoft 帮助信息提示,把C:\Documents and Settings\llg\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP里面的文件和C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\STARTUP 里面的文件先放到桌面上,一个一个往回运,看看是哪一个文件出了问题,再查问题编号。但是根本没用,甚至于有的上述两个文件夹根本就是空文件夹。怎么办呢?请看下面:less




  一、删除你使用的用户名下的TEMP全部文件,OFFICE在你安装时的备份文件,清空全部系统的日记信息...也就是删除Normat.dot模板文件。 即删除G:\Documents and Settings\用户名\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\Normal.dot文件;this

  二、点开始,在运行中输入“winword /a”能够启动word,此时不会有没法打开对话框出现,将word文档另存一下,会提示是否替换normal.dot,这时word用新的模板替换损坏的那个,选择是。这样word就能够正常启动了……spa







  点开始,在运行中输入“winword /a”能够启动word,咱们打开“工具/选项/常规”,找到“打开时更新自动方式的连接”这一选项,看见前面选择框里的对勾了吗?直接把它去掉就好了。保存退出。从新启动试一下,一切正常,OK!!

What to do when Word crashes?

Such is the nature of the beast that sooner or later Word will crash. When you restart, Word may try and recover the document you were working on, but this is a bit hit and miss, so don't rely on it. Configure Word to create a backup file - and save often. It is good practice to drill CTRL+S into your brain and apply it every time you pause for thought. Then when the wheel comes off, you don't lose too much work.


While in the above dialog box - make sure that Allow fast saves is unchecked, as this is a major source of document bloat and corruption. As a bloated document will actually take longer to save, the function is effectively useless.

Use a DOS batch file to collate the above actions to a single keystroke
  DOS commands have largely been lost to folklore, but you can eliminate the temporary files by means of a simple DOS batch file called from a Windows shortcut.

Identify the user template, add-in, user temp and document folder locations:

In the following example from my own PC these are:

D:\Word Startup
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Startup

C:\Program Files\TechSmith\SnagIt 8
D:\My Documents
C:\Documents and Settings\Graham Mayor\Local Settings\Temp
Warning: Your folder locations will certainly be different - SO CHECK - as DOS commands have none of the safety checks available in Windows!!!
  The first two are configured from Word > Tools > Options > File Locations. The third is dependent on the version of Office - here Office 2003. The fourth is configured in the Windows registry at:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

and is normally the Word default document folder. The last is dependent on Windows version.

The batch file opens each folder in turn, sets the file attributes to unhidden, where required, and deletes the orphaned temporary files.

Long folder names will not work in all versions of Windows, but the following batch commands will work in Windows XP.

Using Notepad or a preferred text editor, enter the following - changing the drive letters and folder paths to match the locations of the template and add-in folders. The REM lines are only descriptive and are ignored when the batch file is run.

REM Select the D: drive
REM Select My Documents as the active folder
CD \My Documents
REM Delete orphaned hidden temporary files from My Documents and its sub folders
DEL /S /A:h ~$*.do*

DEL /S /A:h *.tmp

REM Select User Templates folder
CD \Templates
REM Delete orphaned hidden temporary files
DEL /A:h ~$*.do*

REM Select Word startup folder
CD \Word Startup
REM Delete orphaned hidden temporary files
DEL /A:h ~$*.do*

REM Select the C: drive
REM Select Office startup folder
CD \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Startup
REM Delete orphaned hidden temporary files
DEL /A:h ~$*.do*


REM If there are any third party add-ins that use a different folder

REM add those folders e.g.

REM Select SnagIt add-in folder

CD \Program Files\TechSmith\SnagIt 8
DEL /A:h ~$*.do*

REM Select the user temp folder
CD \Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Local Settings\Temp
REM Delete all temp files in the folder (its sub folders will not contain Word temp files).
DEL /Q *.*

Save in the Windows folder as WordFix.bat Create a shortcut to this file on the desktop and when the wheel comes off and Word crashes, click to delete the all the orphaned temp files.

word crash fix

 Word can now be restarted and you can re-load the last saved version of your document. Note:  The creation of temporary files in the working folder, is a principle reason why Word documents corrupt when loaded from or saved to floppy disc. If there is insufficient space to accommodate the required temporary files, the document will be corrupted and you may not be able to recover it. Use floppy to transport documents, but the hard drive for opening and saving files.