word 粘贴富文本_如何使用钉在Microsoft Word中复制和粘贴文本

word 粘贴富文本

word 粘贴富文本


Word contains a little known feature, called the Spike, that allows you to gather blocks of text and/or images from different locations in a Word document and then paste all of that content to another location in that document or into another Word file or other program.


The Spike in Word is named after the old-fashioned paper holder onto which people poked papers as they were done with them. You may still see the original version of the Spike in use in some businesses.

Word中的Spike以老式的纸架命名,人们在处理过程中在上面戳纸。 您可能仍会看到某些企业正在使用Spike的原始版本。

The Spike is different from the Clipboard, which allows you work with only one copied block of text at a time. The Spike collects multiple, non-contiguous blocks of text as you copy them until you paste all the collected blocks of text somewhere else.

Spike与剪贴板不同,后者使您一次只能处理一个复制的文本块。 Spike在复制文本时会收集多个非连续的文本块,直到将所有收集的文本块粘贴到其他位置为止。

To gather information into the Spike in Word, select the text and/or images you want to add and press “Ctrl + F3”. This cuts the information from your document and places it into the Spike. You can continue to cut parts of your document and Word will continue to add the cut text to the Spike.

要将信息收集到Spike in Word中,请选择要添加的文本和/或图像,然后按“ Ctrl + F3”。 这样可以从文档中剪切信息并将其放入Spike。 您可以继续剪切文档的一部分,Word将继续将剪切的文本添加到Spike。


At this point, you’re probably thinking, “Cut?! I don’t want to cut the text!” No worries. When you use the Spike, you are cutting or removing text from its original location, NOT copying text. However, if you don’t want to remove the text from the original location, simply press “Ctrl + Z” after cutting the text to the Spike to undo the cut. The text you originally cut still remains in the Spike.

在这一点上,您可能会想,“剪切?! 我不想删节!” 别担心。 使用Spike时,是在其原始位置剪切或删除文本,而不是复制文本。 但是,如果您不想从原始位置删除文本,只需在将文本剪切到Spike之后按“ Ctrl + Z”即可撤消剪切。 您最初剪切的文本仍保留在Spike中。


We copied two blocks of text that we will now paste into a new document. Click the “File” tab.

我们复制了两个文本块,现在将它们粘贴到新文档中。 点击“文件”标签。


Click “New” in the list of items on the left.



On the New screen, click the “Blank document” icon.



To paste the text you collected in the Spike, press “Ctrl + Shift + F3”.

要将您收集的文本粘贴到Spike中,请按“ Ctrl + Shift + F3”。

NOTE: Pressing “Ctrl + Shift + F3” also erases all the information in the Spike. If you don’t want to erase the information in the Spike when you paste the contents of it, type “spike” (without the quotes), and press “Enter.”

注意:按“ Ctrl + Shift + F3”也会删除Spike中的所有信息。 如果不想在粘贴内容时删除Spike中的信息,请键入“ spike”(不带引号),然后按“ Enter”。


All the information in the Spike (not just the last block of text you added to it) is pasted into your document at the insertion point.



You can also view the contents of the Spike without pasting the contents or emptying the Spike. Click the “Insert” tab on the ribbon.

您也可以查看Spike的内容,而无需粘贴内容或清空Spike。 单击功能区上的“插入”选项卡。


Click the “Quick Parts” button in the “Text” section and select “AutoText.”


NOTE: You may have to expand the Word window to display the label on the “Quick Parts” button. If the window is too small, the text labels for some of the buttons on the ribbon do not display.

注意:您可能必须展开Word窗口才能在“快速零件”按钮上显示标签。 如果窗口太小,则不会显示功能区上某些按钮的文本标签。

The information in the Spike displays as an AutoText item on the submenu. You can click on the “Spike” item on the submenu to insert the contents of the Spike at the insertion point. This method of pasting the contents of the Spike also leaves the contents in the Spike.

Spike中的信息在子菜单上显示为自动图​​文集项目。 您可以单击子菜单上的“ Spike”项,将Spike的内容插入到插入点。 这种粘贴Spike内容的方法也将内容保留在Spike中。


The Spike is a useful feature if you need to quickly and easily rearrange a document by moving non-contiguous text and images or create a new document from pieces of another document.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/213212/how-to-use-the-spike-to-copy-and-paste-text-in-word-2013/

word 粘贴富文本