mac 时间机器 禁用_如何在Mac上禁用屏幕时间通知

mac 时间机器 禁用

mac 时间机器 禁用

Mac ScreenTime Icon Hero - Gray on Blue

Screen Time on Mac is a handy way to keep track of your app usage and restrict content for children, but its notifications can be annoying. To turn them off, you can disable notifications or simply disable Screen Time itself. Here’s how to do both.

在Mac上,“屏幕时间”是一种方便的方式,可以跟踪您的应用使用情况并限制儿童内容,但其通知可能会令人讨厌。 要关闭它们,您可以禁用通知或仅禁用“屏幕时间”本身。 这是两者的方法。

如何在Mac上禁用屏幕时间通知 (How to Disable Screen Time Notifications on Mac)

If you’d like to continue to use Screen Time but not receive any notifications from Screen Time, here’s how to disable them. First, click the Apple logo in the upper-left corner of the screen and select “System Preferences.”

如果您想继续使用“屏幕时间”,但不收到来自“屏幕时间”的任何通知,请按以下步骤禁用它们。 首先,单击屏幕左上角的Apple徽标,然后选择“系统偏好设置”。

Launch System Preferences from the Apple Menu on a Mac

In System Preferences, click “Notifications.”


In System Preferences on Mac, Select "Notifications."

In Notifications preferences, scroll down in the app list until you see “Screen Time,” and click it. Then click the switch beside “Allow Notifications From Screen Time” until it is switched off.

在“通知”首选项中,在应用列表中向下滚动,直到看到“屏幕时间”,然后单击它。 然后单击“允许从屏幕时间发出通知”旁边的开关,直到将其关闭。

In Notifications preferences for Screen Time, click "Allow Notifications from Screen Time" to turn it off.

Close System Preferences. After that, you will no longer receive notification alerts from Screen Time.

关闭系统偏好设置。 之后,您将不再收到来自“屏幕时间”的通知警报。

如何在Mac上完全禁用屏幕时间 (How to Disable Screen Time on Mac Completely)

If Screen Time is sending you notifications, but you don’t want to use Screen Time (which sometimes happens if a recent macOS update has turned on Screen Time automatically), you can turn Screen Time off completely. Here’s how.

如果“屏幕时间”正在向您发送通知,但您不想使用“屏幕时间”(如果最近的macOS更新已自动打开“屏幕时间”,有时会发生这种情况),则可以完全关闭“屏幕时间”。 这是如何做。

First, open System Preferences by clicking the Apple logo in the upper-left corner of the screen and selecting “System Preferences” from the menu. In System Preferences, click “Screen Time.”

首先,通过单击屏幕左上角的Apple徽标并从菜单中选择“系统偏好设置”,打开“系统偏好设置”。 在系统偏好设置中,点击“屏幕时间”。

In System Preferences on Mac, Select "Screen Time."

In Screen Time preferences, click “Options” in the lower-left corner of the window. Then click the “Turn Off” button in the upper-right corner.

在“屏幕时间”偏好设置中,单击窗口左下角的“选项”。 然后,单击右上角的“关闭”按钮。

In Screen Time preferences, click "Turn Off."

Screen Time will be completely disabled—peace at last.


If you’d prefer, you can track your Mac usage without using Screen Time by using alternative apps such as Time Sink and Activity Watch. Good luck!

如果您愿意,可以使用Time Sink和Activity Watch等替代应用程序来跟踪Mac的使用情况,而无需使用屏幕时间。 祝好运!

RELATED: Forget Screen Time! Track Your App Usage in macOS Catalina with These Alternatives

相关: 忘记屏幕时间! 通过这些替代方案跟踪您在macOS Catalina中的应用使用情况


mac 时间机器 禁用