


iTunes on Windows desktop

At WWDC 2019, Apple announced it’s killing iTunes. iTunes will be replaced by separate Music, TV, and Podcasts apps… but only on macOS. Windows users will keep the current iTunes app they know and (often don’t) love.

在WWDC 2019上,Apple宣布将杀死iTunes。 iTunes将被单独的“音乐”,“电视”和“播客”应用程序代替,但仅限于macOS。 Windows用户将保留他们知道并且(通常不)喜欢的当前iTunes应用程序。

Apple made fun of iTunes’ bloat at WWDC 2019, showing off a video of Calendar and even Safari integrated into iTunes before announcing iTunes would be broken up. On a Mac, it’ll be Apple Music, Podcasts, and Apple TV.

苹果在2019年WWDC上取笑了iTunes的膨胀,在宣布iTunes被解散之前,展示了Calendar甚至集成到iTunes的Safari的视频。 在Mac上,它将是Apple Music,播客和Apple TV。

But what about Windows? Well, Apple didn’t mention iTunes for Windows at all. Billboard’s Micah Singleton says Apple told him that iTunes would continue existing in its current state on Windows.

但是Windows呢? 好吧,苹果根本没有提到Windows版iTunes。 Billboard的Micah Singleton说,苹果告诉他iTunes将在Windows的当前状态下继续存在。

Apple tells me iTunes will continue to exist in its current state on Windows, and the iTunes Music Store will be available in the sidebar in Finder on MacOS Catalina

Apple告诉我iTunes将在Windows上保持其当前状态,并且iTunes Music Store将在MacOS Catalina上的Finder的侧边栏中提供。

— Micah Singleton (@MicahSingleton) June 3, 2019

-Micah Singleton(@MicahSingleton) 2019年6月3日

Brian Barret over at Wired collaborates this report, reporting that “iTunes for Windows [will] continue on its current state.”

Wired的Brian Barret与该报告进行了合作,报告说“ Windows版iTunes将[继续]其当前状态。”

That’s either good or bad news depending on what you were hoping for. If you wanted a shiny new Apple Music app for Windows—well, sorry, you’re stuck with iTunes. If you liked the old iTunes experience, however, it isn’t going away. The classic iTunes software, with all its quirks and powerful features like local device backups, will continue existing on Windows.

根据您的期望,这是好消息还是坏消息。 如果您想要一个适用于Windows的崭新的Apple Music应用程序-抱歉,您对iTunes感到困惑。 但是,如果您喜欢旧的iTunes体验,它并不会消失。 具有所有怪癖和功能强大的功能(如本地设备备份)的经典iTunes软件将继续存在于Windows中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/423440/apple-is-killing-itunes-but-not-on-windows/
