


The app system in iMessage is really cool, letting you paste content directly into messages that once required several additional steps. If you’re choosy about which apps appear in iMessage, though, you can prevent iMessage from automatically adding them.

iMessage中应用程序系统真的很棒,可以让您直接将内容粘贴到消息中,而这些消息曾经需要几个附加步骤。 但是,如果您对在iMessage中显示哪些应用程序不满意,可以阻止iMessage自动添加它们。

While there’s a lot more to iMessage apps than preventing their installation, here’s the gist: many iPhone apps, such as Giphy or IMDB, will install a small iMessage plugin when you install the app. This plugin will let you search for and instantly paste GIFs into your messages or movie information, and so on.

尽管iMessage应用程序有很多功能可以阻止安装,但要点在于:许多iPhone应用程序(例如GiphyIMDB)在安装应用程序时会安装一个小的iMessage插件。 该插件可让您搜索GIF并立即将其粘贴到您的消息或电影信息中,依此类推。

RELATED: How to Install, Manage, and Use iMessage Apps

相关: 如何安装,管理和使用iMessage应用程序

Many other apps do this as well, including Pandora, Dropbox, Apple Music, and more. Nevertheless, having all those apps in iMessage can quickly prove unwieldy, and you may want to prevent them from automatically being added in the first place.

许多其他应用程序也可以执行此操作,包括Pandora,Dropbox,Apple Music等。 但是,在iMessage中拥有所有这些应用程序很快就会变得笨拙,并且您可能想阻止它们首先被自动添加。

To turn off automatic app additions, first tap the App Store icon in iMessage, and then tap the four dots in the lower left corner.

要关闭自动添加应用程序,请首先在iMessage中点击“ App Store”图标,然后点击左下角的四个点。

Next, tap “Store” on the resulting pane that slides up from the bottom.


When the App Store opens, tap on the “Manage” tab and then tap off the switch next to “Automatically Add Apps”.

当App Store打开时,点击“管理”选项卡,然后点击“自动添加应用”旁边的开关。

While you’re at it, if you have a bunch of apps already added, you can turn off any that you don’t want or think you will use. That way when you do use apps, you won’t have to swipe through them to get to your favorites.

在执行此操作时,如果您已经添加了一堆应用程序,则可以关闭所有不需要或认为将要使用的应用程序。 这样一来,当您使用应用程序时,无需在应用程序中滑动即可获得自己的收藏夹。

Just remember that since apps are no longer automatically added, you may miss out unless you routinely check the Manage tab and turn on any new ones.


