


The source code highlighting was probably the first feature I was missing in WordPress. I briefly googled my options and decided it would be quicker to add the missing feature myself, since it looked pretty straightforward.

突出显示源代码可能是我在WordPress中缺少的第一个功能。 我简短地搜索了我的选项,并决定自己添加缺少的功能会更快,因为它看起来非常简单。

So what I did: 1. I added a hilite() function in functions-formatting.php <?php

所以我做了什么:1.我在functions-formatting.php <?php添加了hilite()函数

function hilite($text)

函数 hilite ( $ text )



    $text = str_replace('<? php', '<?php', $text);

$ text = str_replace ( '<?php' '<?php' $ text );

    return preg_replace_callback(

返回preg_replace_callback (




create_function (


'$ matches'

                 'return highlight_string($matches[0], true); '

'return Highlight_string($ matches [0],true); '




$ text );





The first line of the function is pretty curious, I agree. I needed it because I noticed that WP is adding a space between < and ? before saving to the database.

我同意,函数的第一行非常好奇。 我需要它,因为我注意到WP在<?之间添加了一个空格? 保存到数据库之前。

2. I added call to the new function in default-filters.php


add_filter('the_content', 'hilite');

add_filter('the_content', 'hilite');

... just before this line


add_filter('the_content', 'wptexturize');

add_filter('the_content', 'wptexturize');

And it worked! Only that the highlighting itself for some reason is using the HTML font tag (God forbid!), but I believe that's server setup.

而且有效! 出于某种原因,仅突出显示自身是使用HTML字体标签(上帝禁止!),但我认为这是服务器设置。

Edit: I added the filter to one more place in default-filters.php, in order to highlight source code when listing excerpts, for example category listing on an archive listing. So default-filters.php looks more like: add_filter('the_content', 'hilite'); add_filter('the_content', 'wptexturize'); add_filter('the_excerpt', 'hilite'); add_filter('the_excerpt', 'wptexturize');

编辑:我将过滤器添加到default-filters.php的另一个位置,以便在列出摘录时突出显示源代码,例如在归档列表中列出类别。 所以default- add_filter('the_content', 'hilite'); add_filter('the_content', 'wptexturize'); add_filter('the_excerpt', 'hilite'); add_filter('the_excerpt', 'wptexturize');看起来更像是: add_filter('the_content', 'hilite'); add_filter('the_content', 'wptexturize'); add_filter('the_excerpt', 'hilite'); add_filter('the_excerpt', 'wptexturize'); add_filter('the_content', 'hilite'); add_filter('the_content', 'wptexturize'); add_filter('the_excerpt', 'hilite'); add_filter('the_excerpt', 'wptexturize');

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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/highlighting-php-source-code/
