geek_如何自定义您的How-To Geek RSS feed(我们正在改变事情)



If you’re an RSS subscriber, you’ll soon notice that we’re making a few changes. Why? It’s time to simplify our system, while providing you a little more control over which articles you want to see.

如果您是RSS订阅者,您很快就会注意到我们正在做一些更改。 为什么? 现在是简化我们的系统的时候了,同时让您可以更好地控制要查看的文章。

The point, of course, is that people like different things, and that’s OK. What’s not so great is getting complaints—Linux users are always whining about Windows posts, and Windows users are whining when we write Linux posts.

当然,关键是人们喜欢不同的东西,没关系。 不好的是引起了抱怨– Linux用户一直在抱怨Windows帖子,而Windows用户在我们撰写Linux帖子时也在抱怨。

It’s also worth pointing out that if you aren’t interested in a post—you don’t have to click on it to read it. This is probably fairly obvious to reasonable people.

还值得指出的是,如果您对帖子不感兴趣,则无需单击即可阅读。 对于理性的人来说,这可能是相当明显的。

新饲料 (The New Feeds)

Here’s the new set of feeds you can subscribe to. We’ll probably add more fine-grained feeds in the future, as we get some more things straightened out.

这是您可以订阅的新供稿集。 将来,随着更多事情的发展,我们可能会添加更多细粒度的提要。

You can obviously subscribe to one or many of them if you feel like it.


每日一次的摘要供稿! (The Once Daily Summary Feed!)

If you’d rather get all your How-To Geek in a single dose each day, you can subscribe to the summary feed, which is pretty much the same as our daily email newsletter. You can subscribe to this summary feed by clicking here.

如果您希望每天服用一剂所有的How-To Geek,则可以订阅摘要提要,该提要与我们的日常电子邮件新闻简报几乎相同。 您可以通过单击此处订阅此摘要提要


Note: we’re working on a lot of backend changes to hopefully make things a little better for you, the reader. One of the things we’ve consistently had feedback on is the comment system, which we’ll tackle a little later. Also, if you suddenly saw a barrage of posts earlier… oops! Our mistake.

注意:我们正在努力进行许多后端更改,以期使读者自己的情况有所改善。 我们一直收到反馈的一件事是评论系统,我们稍后再解决。 另外,如果您突然突然看到更多的帖子……哎呀! 我们的错误。

