


Mac Terminal App Icon

While using a Mac, sometimes you need to dig deep into settings or perhaps pull off some developer-grade command-line tasks. For that, you’ll need the Terminal app to access the command-line on macOS. Here’s how to launch it.

使用Mac时,有时您需要深入研究设置,或者完成一些开发人员级别的命令行任务。 为此,您需要Terminal应用程序来访问macOS上的命令行。 这是启动它的方法。

如何使用Spotlight搜索打开终端 (How to Open Terminal Using Spotlight Search)

Perhaps the easiest and quickest way to open Terminal is through Spotlight Search. To launch Spotlight, click the small magnifying glass icon in your menu bar (or press Command+Space).

打开终端的最简单,最快的方法就是通过Spotlight搜索。 要启动Spotlight,请单击菜单栏中的小放大镜图标(或按Command + Space)。

Click the magnifying glass icon in the menu bar to launch Spotlight Search.

When the Spotlight Search bar pops up on your screen, type “” and hit Return. Or you can click the icon that appears.

屏幕上弹出Spotlight搜索栏时,键入“”,然后按Return键。 或者,您可以单击出现的Terminal.app图标。

Open Spotlight Searcha and type "" then hit enter.

Terminal will launch, and you’ll be ready to go.


如何从启动板打开终端 (How to Open Terminal from Launchpad)

You can also open Terminal quickly from Launchpad. If you have Launchpad in your dock, click the rocket ship icon—or press “F4” on your keyboard to launch it.

您也可以从启动板快速打开终端。 如果您的基座中启动板 ,请单击火箭飞船图标-或按键盘上的“ F4”将其启动。

Click Launchpad in your Mac's dock to launch it.

When Launchpad opens, type “Terminal” and hit return. Or you can click the “Terminal” icon.

启动板打开时,键入“ Terminal”,然后按回车键。 或者,您可以单击“终端”图标。

Open Launchpad and type "terminal" then hit enter.

The Terminal app will open.


如何从您的应用程序文件夹中打开终端 (How to Open Terminal from Your Applications Folder)

If you’d prefer to go launch Terminal from the program icon in Finder, you’ll usually find it located in the /Applications/Utilities folder. This is its default location on fresh installations of macOS.

如果您希望从Finder中的程序图标启动终端,通常会在/ Applications / Utilities文件夹中找到它。 这是其在全新安装的macOS上的默认位置。

To open Terminal from your Applications folder, click your desktop to bring Finder into focus. In the menu bar, click “Go” and select “Applications.”

要从“应用程序”文件夹中打开“终端”,请单击桌面以使Finder成为焦点。 在菜单栏中,单击“执行”,然后选择“应用程序”。

Click "Go" in Finder and Select "Applications."

Your Applications folder will open. Scroll through until you find the “Utilities” folder. Double-click the “Utilities” folder to open it. Inside, you will find Terminal.

您的“应用程序”文件夹将打开。 滚动浏览,直到找到“实用程序”文件夹。 双击“实用程序”文件夹将其打开。 在里面,您将找到Terminal。

Double click the Terminal icon in the Applications/Utilities folder.

Double-click the icon and the Terminal will open.


将终端机放置在您的坞站中以加快访问速度 (Keep the Terminal in Your Dock for Faster Access)

After launching Terminal, if you’d like to quickly access it again in the future, you can choose to keep its icon in your Dock. Just right-click the Terminal icon on your Dock and select “Options > Keep in Dock.” The next time you need to run Terminal, just click its Dock icon. Have fun on the command line!

启动终端后,如果您希望以后再次快速访问它,则可以选择将其图标保留在Dock中。 只需右键单击Dock上的Terminal图标,然后选择“ Options> Keep in Dock”。 下次需要运行Terminal时,只需单击其Dock图标。 在命令行上玩得开心!

Starting with macOS Catalina, the default command-line shell is Zsh, but you can switch back to the Bash shell if you prefer it.

从macOS Catalina开始,默认的命令行shell是Zsh ,但是如果愿意,可以切换回Bash shell

