xbox的mac地址_如何将Xbox One控制器连接到Mac



Sometimes gaming with a mouse and keyboard just doesn’t cut it; you need the convenience of a controller to enjoy certain games. Luckily, you can use a variety of controllers on your Mac, including your Xbox One Controller.

有时候,用鼠标和键盘进行游戏并不能消除它; 您需要控制者的便利才能玩某些游戏。 幸运的是,您可以在Mac上使用各种控制器,包括Xbox One控制器。

While the PlayStation 4’s DualShock 4 will play nicely with your Mac over Bluetooth, the Xbox One controller will take a bit more effort. It’s nothing too tricky, though, and you can pull it off with a bit of patience.

虽然PlayStation 4的DualShock 4可以通过Mac与Mac很好地播放,但Xbox One控制器将需要更多的努力。 不过,这并不是什么棘手的事情,您可以耐心等待一下。

如何将Xbox One控制器连接到Mac (How to Connect Your Xbox One Controller to Your Mac)

You’ll want to grab a micro-USB cable to hook your Xbox One or Xbox 360 controller up since Bluetooth is out. Luckily, there’s still a way you can get things working. It will require a bit more craftiness on your part, but it’s nothing you shouldn’t be able to handle.

由于蓝牙不可用,您需要抓住一根微型USB电缆来挂接Xbox One或Xbox 360控制器。 幸运的是,仍然有一种方法可以使事情正常进行。 您将需要更多的技巧,但这不是您不应该处理的。

First, go to GitHub and download the newest version of 360Controller. It should look like the screen below.

首先,转到GitHub并下载最新版本的360Controller 。 它看起来应该像下面的屏幕。

Next, you’ll want to open the DMG file and double-click the “Install360Controller.pkg” file to get things underway.

接下来,您将要打开DMG文件,然后双击“ Install360Controller.pkg”文件进行操作。

After doing so, you’ll reach the “Standard Install” screen. Click “Install.” A dialog box will pop up warning you that you must restart your computer before the install is complete. Make sure you’ve saved any files you don’t want to lose progress on because your computer will restart right after the installation has completed.

这样做之后,您将进入“标准安装”屏幕。 点击“安装”。 将弹出一个对话框,警告您必须在安装完成之前重新启动计算机。 确保已保存所有不想丢失进度的文件,因为安装完成后计算机将立即重新启动。

Once you’re in the installer, it’s pretty self-explanatory to complete. Just press “continue” until it’s run its course.

进入安装程序后,它很容易解释。 只需按“继续”,直到其运行。

At one point, you’ll be asked to agree to the product license. Select “agree” to get to the next screen. Continue from there until you’ve completed the installation.

有时,系统会要求您同意产品许可。 选择“同意”进入下一个屏幕。 从那里继续,直到完成安装。

Once you’ve completed the installation, you’ll be prompted to restart your Mac. You should have saved everything and closed out programs accordingly, but if you haven’t, make sure you accept save prompts now while your computer restarts. When you’re back up and running, you should be good to go.

完成安装后,系统将提示您重新启动Mac。 您应该已经保存了所有内容并相应地关闭了程序,但是如果尚未保存,请确保在计算机重新启动时立即接受保存提示。 当您备份并运行时,应该会很好。

Now, open the Apple menu and click the “System Preferences” command.


There should now be a small “Xbox 360 Controllers” icon at the bottom of the window. Double-click that.

现在,窗口底部应该有一个小的“ Xbox 360控制器”图标。 双击。

Don’t worry that it’s named “Xbox 360 Controllers”—it does support Xbox One controllers, too. You’ll see a screen pop up that looks like this.

不必担心它的名称为“ Xbox 360 Controllers”(Xbox 360控制器),它也确实支持Xbox One控制器。 您会看到一个弹出的屏幕,看起来像这样。

You can go ahead and connect your Xbox One controller via micro-USB now and tweak buttons as you see fit. All that’s left is to load up your favorite game with controller support and have fun!

您可以立即通过micro-USB和调整按钮连接Xbox One控制器(如果您认为合适)。 剩下的就是在控制器支持下加载您喜欢的游戏,并玩得开心!

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