


Using Apple iPad with Keyboard Case
Rich T Photo/Shutterstock 丰富的T照片/快门

Want to turn the Caps Lock key on your iPad into the Escape key? Want quick access to the Globe button on your Bluetooth keyboard? Using a new feature introduced in iPadOS 13.4, you can do just that.

要将iPad上的Caps Lock键变成Escape键? 是否想快速访问蓝牙键盘上的Globe按钮? 使用iPadOS 13.4中引入的新功能,您可以做到这一点。

If you’re using a third-party Bluetooth keyboard, the keyboard layout may be different from the iPad’s official Smart Keyboard, the new Magic Keyboard case for iPad, or even your Apple Magic Keyboard.

如果您使用的是第三方蓝牙键盘 ,则键盘布局可能会与iPad的官方智能键盘,iPad的新万智键盘盒甚至Apple万智键盘有所不同。

For instance, both the Smart Keyboard and the Magic Keyboard cases for iPad have a Globe key for switching between keyboards, but they don’t have an Escape key. Apple’s external Magic Keyboard and third-party keyboards do have an Escape key, but doesn’t have the Globe key.

例如,用于iPad的Smart Keyboard和Magic Keyboard保护壳都具有用于在键盘之间进行切换的Globe键,但它们没有Escape键。 Apple的外部Magic Keyboard和第三方键盘的确有一个Escape键,但没有Globe键。

Thankfully, you can remap these modifier keys on your iPad from the Settings app.

值得庆幸的是,您可以通过“ 设置”应用重新映射iPad上的这些修改键。

First, make sure that your keyboard is connected to your iPad. From there, open the “Settings” app on your iPad that’s running iPadOS 13.4 or higher.

首先,确保键盘已连接到iPad。 从那里,在运行iPadOS 13.4或更高版本的iPad上打开“设置”应用程序。

Next, choose the “General” option from the sidebar and tap on the “Keyboard” button.


Choose Keyboard section from General

Now, choose the “Hardware Keyboard” option.


Tap on Hardware Keyboard

Tap on the “Modifier Keys” button from the bottom of the section.


Tap on Modifier Keys

You’ll now see a list of keys that can be modified:


  • Caps Lock Key

  • Control Key

  • Option Key

  • Command Key

  • Function Key (Globe Key if you’re using Apple’s Smart Keyboard or Magic Keyboard case)

    功能键(如果使用的是Apple的Smart Keyboard或Magic Keyboard保护壳,则为地球键)

Pick the key that you want to modify. If you want to change the behavior of the Caps Lock key, for example, tap on the “Caps Lock Key” option.

选择您要修改的密钥。 例如,如果要更改Caps Lock键的行为,请点击“ Caps Lock键”选项。

Choose the key to modify

Now, you’ll see all the available actions that you can apply to the modifier key:


  • Caps Lock

  • Control

  • Option

  • Command

  • Escape

  • Globe

  • No Action


To switch to the Escape action, tap on the “Escape” button.


Choose the key option

You can now go back to the “Modifier Keys” screen and change the behavior of other keys as well. If you’re using a Windows keyboard, you can use this method to switch the Control and Command keys to the correct order.

现在,您可以返回到“修饰键”屏幕,并更改其他键的行为。 如果使用Windows键盘,则可以使用此方法将Control和Command键切换为正确的顺序。

This is just one of the new features in iPadOS 13.4. Learn about Apple’s brand-new adaptable mouse and trackpad cursor support for iPad

这只是iPadOS 13.4的新功能之一。 了解Apple对iPad的全新可适应鼠标和触控板光标支持

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/666643/how-to-remap-modifier-keys-on-ipad/
