如何将Windows Update固定到Windows 7中的任务栏

One item that seems like you should be able to easily pin to the Taskbar in Windows 7 is Windows Update, but unfortunately it’s not. With a bit of work however, we can get it pinned to the Taskbar or Start menu and here we will show you how.

Windows Update是您似乎应该能够轻松固定到Windows 7中的任务栏的一项,但不幸的是,并非如此。 但是,通过一些工作,我们可以将其固定到任务栏或“开始”菜单,在这里我们将向您展示如何进行。

First go to the Start \ All Programs and right-click Windows Update and while holding down the right mouse button drag it over to the desktop.

首先转到“开始” \“所有程序”,然后右键单击Windows Update,然后在按住鼠标右键的同时将其拖到桌面上。


When you release the right mouse button click on Create shortcuts here.



Now right-click the Windows Update shortcut and select Properties.

现在,右键单击Windows Update快捷方式,然后选择“属性”。


This opens Window Update Properties and under the Shortcut tab type in or copy the following into the Target box. If you don’t want to see the command window open up briefly when you launch it, change the Run dropdown menu to Minimized, then click Apply and Ok.

这将打开“窗口更新属性”,并在“快捷方式”选项卡下键入以下内容或将以下内容复制到“目标”框中。 如果您不希望在启动命令窗口时看到它短暂打开,请将“运行”下拉菜单更改为“最小化”,然后单击“应用”和“确定”。

cmd /c wuapp.exe

cmd / c wuapp.exe


Now just drag the shortcut icon to the taskbar and pin it.



That’s it! Now you have it pinned to the Taskbar and can use it like anything else you would have pinned there.

而已! 现在,您已将其固定到任务栏,并且可以像将其固定在任务栏上一样使用它。


It will let you pin it to the Start menu as well.



Hopefully this geeky trick will come in handy for someone who wants easier access to their Windows Updates.

希望这个令人讨厌的技巧将对希望更轻松地访问其Windows Update的用户派上用场。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/5559/how-to-pin-windows-update-to-the-taskbar-in-windows-7/