



If you’re working on multiple Word documents, it may be helpful to view some or all of them at once. There are a couple of different ways you can view multiple documents and even a way to view different parts of the same document at the same time.

如果您正在处理多个Word文档,则一次查看其中的一些或全部可能会有所帮助。 您可以通过多种方式查看多个文档,甚至可以同时查看同一文档的不同部分。

To view multiple documents, open the documents you want to view and click the “View” tab. For this example, we opened two documents.

要查看多个文档,请打开要查看的文档,然后单击“查看”选项卡。 对于此示例,我们打开了两个文档。


In the “Window” section of the “View” tab, click “View Side by Side”.



The two document windows are resized and positioned next to each other.



NOTE: You can only view two documents side by side. If you have more than two documents open, the “Compare Side by Side” dialog box displays. Select one document from the list that you want to view in addition to the current document and click “OK”.

注意:您只能并排查看两个文档。 如果您打开了两个以上的文档,则会显示“并排比较”对话框。 从当前列表中选择一个您要查看的文档,然后单击“确定”。


If you want to scroll through both documents at the same time, click the “Synchronous Scrolling” button in the “Window” section of the “View” tab in one of the two documents. When you scroll in one document, the other document also scrolls.

如果要同时滚动浏览两个文档,请在两个文档之一的“视图”选项卡的“窗口”部分中单击“同步滚动”按钮。 当您滚动一个文档时,另一文档也滚动。


To go back to the original size and placement of the two document windows, click the “View Side by Side” button in the “Window” section of one of the two document windows.



If you have more than two documents you want to view, you can stack your open windows to see them all at once.


NOTE: Depending on the size of your monitor, it might be difficult to view more than three or four documents.


To view multiple documents, open all the documents you want to view, click the “View” tab (if it’s not already active), and click “Arrange All” in the “Window” section.



The document windows are resized and stacked vertically. You can view all the documents at once, but you can scroll through and edit only one document at a time.

调整文档窗口的大小并垂直堆叠。 您可以一次查看所有文档,但是一次只能滚动浏览和编辑一个文档。

NOTE: The “Arrange All” feature cannot be “turned off” like the “View Side by Side” feature. To put the document windows back the way they were, you must manually resize them by dragging the edges and move them by dragging the title bars.

注意:不能像“并排查看”功能那样“关闭”“全部排列”功能。 要使文档窗口恢复原状,必须通过拖动边缘来手动调整它们的大小,并通过拖动标题栏来移动它们。

Word doesn’t arrange any document windows that are minimized. In addition, you may notice the ribbon disappearing if you try to arrange too many documents and the windows get too small.

Word不会排列任何最小化的文档窗口。 此外,如果您尝试放置太多文档并且窗口变得太小,则可能会注意到功能区消失。


You can click the “Maximize” button on a document window to resize it to full screen.



When the window is maximized, the “Maximize” button becomes the “Restore Down” button. Click the “Restore Down” button to return the window to its previous size.

当窗口最大化时,“最大化”按钮变为“向下还原”按钮。 点击“还原”按钮,将窗口恢复为先前的大小。


You can even view two parts of the same document. To do this, click on the Word window for the document you want to view and click “Split” in the “Window” section of the “View” tab.

您甚至可以查看同一文档的两个部分。 为此,请在要查看的文档的Word窗口上单击,然后在“查看”选项卡的“窗口”部分中单击“拆分”。


The current document is split into two parts of the window in which you can scroll and edit different parts of the document separately.



You can resize the split window by moving your cursor over the double line separating the two parts of the document until it turns into a double line with a double arrow. Click and drag the double line border up or down to resize the parts of the window.

您可以通过将光标移到分隔文档两部分的双行上方来调整拆分窗口的大小,直到它变成带有双箭头的双行。 单击并向上或向下拖动双线边框以调整窗口各部分的大小。


To undo the split and go back to a single view of your document, click “Remove Split” button (which was the “Split” button before).



Remember that although you can view more than one document at a time, you can only edit one document at a time. The currently active document that can be edited is the one with the file name on the title bar that is NOT grayed out.

请记住,尽管您一次可以查看多个文档,但是一次只能编辑一个文档。 可以编辑的当前活动文档是标题栏上文件名未变灰的文档。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/218897/how-to-view-multiple-documents-at-once-in-word/
