fluxbox_在Ubuntu Linux上安装Fluxbox



Ubuntu by default uses the Gnome user interface. Fluxbox is an alternative window manager for Ubuntu that is extremely lightweight and customizable.

默认情况下,Ubuntu使用Gnome用户界面。 Fluxbox是Ubuntu的替代窗口管理器,它非常轻巧且可自定义。

Installing fluxbox is really quite simple. First you will want to make sure that you’ve enabled the universe repository.

安装fluxbox确实非常简单。 首先,您将要确保已启用Universe资源库。

To install Fluxbox, open up a terminal window and type in the following command:


sudo apt-get install fluxbox

sudo apt-get安装fluxbox

You will be prompted for your password, and the installation will continue. Once you are done installing, you will need to exit XWindows by using Ctrl+Alt+Backspace or just rebooting the computer.

系统将提示您输入密码,安装将继续。 安装完成后,您将需要使用Ctrl + Alt + Backspace或仅重新启动计算机来退出XWindows。

At the Ubuntu Login prompt, click the Options button in the bottom left hand corner:


You will be prompted to choose from a list of Window Managers that are installed on your system. Select Fluxbox and continue to login.

系统将提示您从系统上安装的窗口管理器列表中选择。 选择Fluxbox并继续登录。

Fluxbox is really simple. The main menu can be seen by right-clicking on the desktop:

Fluxbox非常简单。 右键单击桌面可以看到主菜单:

At the bottom of the screen, you will see a taskbar that shows you the running programs and lets you switch between workspaces:


The Fluxbox window style is a lot different than you may be used to. Here’s a screenshot for your enjoyment:

Fluxbox窗口样式与您可能习惯的有很大不同。 这是您喜欢的屏幕截图:

Fluxbox is definitely not for everybody, but it’s about as lightweight as you can get, so it’s probably useful for low memory systems.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/installing-fluxbox-on-ubuntu-linux/
