398. Random Pick Index

Given an array of integers with possible duplicates, randomly output the index of a given target number. You can assume that the given target number must exist in the array.java

The array size can be very large. Solution that uses too much extra space will not pass the judge.算法


int[] nums = new int[] {1,2,3,3,3};
Solution solution = new Solution(nums);

// pick(3) should return either index 2, 3, or 4 randomly. Each index should have equal probability of returning.

// pick(1) should return 0. Since in the array only nums[0] is equal to 1.

理论参考:Reservoir Sampling 蓄水池抽样算法,经典抽样dom



public class Solution {

    int[] nums;
    Random rnd;

    public Solution(int[] nums) {
        this.nums = nums;
        this.rnd = new Random();
    public int pick(int target) {
        int result = -1;
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
            if (nums[i] != target)
            if (rnd.nextInt(++count) == 0)
                result = i;
        return result;


public int pick(int target) {
int result = -1;
int count = 0; // to record how many targets in the array
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
if (nums[i] != target)
For the nth target, ++count is n. Then the probability that rnd.nextInt(++count)==0 is 1/n. Thus, the probability that return nth target is 1/n.
For (n-1)th target, the probability of returning it is (n-1)/n * 1/(n-1)= 1/n.
if (rnd.nextInt(++count) == 0)
result = i;
return result;