iphone 重启桌面_如何强制iPhone重新启动/重启/重置?

iphone 重启桌面

How can I force iPhone to reboot/restart/reset when it locks up completely and does not response?

当iPhone完全锁定并且没有响应时,如何强制iPhone 重新启动 / restart / reset?

To force an iPhone to restart:


  1. power key and 电源键home button together.主页按钮
  2. Holding the two keys for around 10~15 seconds until the screen is turned off.按住两个键约10〜15秒,直到屏幕关闭。
  3. Release the buttons once the screen lights up again with the Apple logo.
  4. 屏幕再次亮起并带有Apple徽标后, 松开按钮。

Then the iPhone will start normally.


Answered by Eric Z Ma.
埃里克·马(Eric Z Ma)回答。

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/how-to-force-iphone-to-reboot-restart-reset/

iphone 重启桌面