



Choose the default setting for the Use Item Cost as Transfer Cost box on transfer orders.


Check this box to use the transfer price as a declared shipping value for reference only, such as for insurance or international shipping.


  • The transfer price is not a charge for the destination location. 转移价格不是对目的地的计费。
  • The transfer price does not affect inventory costing on transactions. 转移价格不影响事务处理的库存成本。
  • The transfer price defaults to show the value in the Transfer Price field of item records. 转移价格默认显示物料记录的转移价格的值。
  • Partial fulfillment and receipt of transfer orders is allowed, but you cannot receive more than you have fulfilled as of any date. 允许转移订单的部分发运和接收,但不能接收多于发运数量。For example, if you have fulfilled 10 widgets out of 20 on a transfer order, you cannot receive 12 widgets on that order. 例如,如果你发运了10个部件,不能接收12个。
  • Clear this box to use the transfer price shown on the transfer order as the item cost on the item receipt. 清空此复选框来全长转移订单上的转移价格作为物料接收的物料成本。

Important: If no transfer price is entered on the transfer order, no cost is recorded on the item receipt. Any difference between the actual cost and the transfer price posts to a Gain/Loss account when the item is shipped. The transfer price and the Gain/Loss account are defined on each item record. The transfer price defaults to show the value in the Transfer Price field of item records.


If you use approval routing, this setting can be changed on an individual transfer order as long as the transfer order is not yet approved. Once the transfer order is approved, this setting cannot be changed.
