修复:Xbox One与DirectTV丢失电视信号错误消息

Your TV signal was lost

The basic idea is this, which is quite typical with an Xbox One. In theory, it's amazing.

基本思想是这样,对于Xbox One来说是非常典型的。 从理论上讲,这是惊人的。

I fixed my Xbox One losing Signal with an HDMI powered splitter

However, this doesn't always work. Often you'll turn on the whole system and the Xbox will say "Your TV Signal was lost. Make sure your cable or satellite box is on and plugged into the Xbox." This got so bad in our house that my non-technical spouse was ready to "buy a whole new TV." I was personally blaming the Xbox.

但是,这并不总是有效。 通常,您会打开整个系统,Xbox会说“您的电视信号丢失了。请确保您的电缆或卫星电视盒已打开并插入Xbox。” 在我们家里,情况变得如此糟糕,以至于我的非技术配偶准备“购买一台全新的电视”。 我个人是在指责Xbox。

It turns out that's an issue of HDMI compliance. The DirectTV and other older cable boxes aren't super awesome about doing things the exact way HDMI like it, and the Xbox is rather picky about HDMI being totally legit. So how do I "clean" or "fix" my HDMI signal from my Cable/Satellite receiver?

事实证明,这是HDMI合规性的问题。 DirectTV和其他较旧的电缆盒对于以HDMI一样的方式做事并不超级出色,而Xbox则对HDMI完全合法感到挑剔。 那么,如何“清理”或“修复”来自有线/卫星接收器的HDMI信号?

I took at chance and asked on Reddit and this very helpful user (thanks!) suggested an HDMI splitter. I was surprised but I was ready to try anything so I ordered this 2 port HDMI powered splitter from Amazon for just US$20.

我碰巧在Reddit上问,这个非常有用的用户(谢谢!)建议使用HDMI分配器。 我很惊讶,但是我准备尝试任何东西,所以我从亚马逊订购了这款2端口HDMI供电分配器,价格仅为20美元。


It totally works. The Xbox One now does its "negotiations" with the compliant splitter, not with the Receiver directly and we haven't seen a single problem since.

完全可以。 Xbox One现在与兼容的分离器进行“协商”,而不是直接与Receiver进行“协商”,此后我们再也没有看到任何问题。

I fixed my Xbox One losing Signal with an HDMI powered splitter

If you have had this problem with your Xbox One then pick up a 2 port HDMI powered splitter and rejoice. This is a high quality splitter than doesn't change the audio signal and still works with HDCP if needed. Thanks internets!

如果您在Xbox One上遇到此问题,请选择2端口HDMI供电的分配器,并为之高兴。 这是一款高质量的分配器,不会改变音频信号,并且在需要时仍可与HDCP配合使用。 谢谢互联网!

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赞助商:非常感谢Telerik本周赞助了feed。 尝试使用Kendo UI by Progress :最完整HTML5 UI小部件和JavaScript应用程序工具集,可帮助您缩短开发时间。

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/fixed-xbox-one-losing-tv-signal-error-message-with-directtv