word 粘贴富文本_使Microsoft Word始终对粘贴的文本使用纯文本

word 粘贴富文本

word 粘贴富文本

Are you tired of pasting text into Word, only to find that the pasted text included colors, formatting, links, and more from its original source?  Here’s how you can keep pasted text from messing up your documents.

您是否厌倦了将文本粘贴到Word中,只是发现粘贴的文本包含原始来源的颜色,格式,链接等内容? 这是防止粘贴的文本弄乱文档的方法。

By default, Word will keep the formatting of text and other content you past into a document, including links, colors, size, font, and more.  This can be annoying at best and at worst, can mess up the other formatting in your document.

默认情况下,Word将保留您粘贴到文档中的文本和其他内容的格式,包括链接,颜色,大小,字体等。 充其量可能使人烦恼,最坏的时候,可能会使文档中的其他格式混乱。


If you copied a large amount of text or images from a site, or if your internet connection happens to be slow, Word may even freeze temporarily while it’s retrieving and pasting the content.  That’s no fun.

如果您从站点复制了大量文本或图像,或者您的互联网连接速度很慢,则Word在检索和粘贴内容时甚至可能会暂时冻结。 没意思


Word does have one saving feature: you can click the little popup under pasted text and select Plain Text to get just the text and none of the formatting.  However, that’s 2 extra clicks.  If you just want to paste the text, and nothing else, you’ll want to change the default setting.  Thankfully, it’s  easy.  If you just pasted text, just click the popup and select Set Default Paste.

Word确实具有一种保存功能:您可以单击粘贴的文本下面的小弹出窗口,然后选择“ 纯文本”以仅获取文本,而不获取任何格式。 但是,那是2次额外点击。 如果您只想粘贴文本,而没有其他内容,则需要更改默认设置。 幸运的是,这很容易。 如果您只是粘贴文本,只需点击弹出窗口并选择设置默认粘贴


Alternately, open the Options pane in Word manually from the File backstage menu or the Office orb in Word 2007.

或者,从文件后台菜单或Word 2007中的Office Orb中手动在Word中打开“ 选项”窗格。


Select the Advanced tab, then scroll down to the Cut, copy, and paste settings section.

选择“ 高级”选项卡,然后向下滚动到“ 剪切,复制和粘贴设置”部分。


Here you can change a wide variety of pasting options.  To switch to pasting text only by default, select Keep Text Only in the drop-down menus.  You can change the settings for all options, or just change the ones you wish.  We often want to keep the formatting if we’re pasting within the same document, so we left the first option at default, then switched all the others to Keep Text Only.

在这里,您可以更改多种粘贴选项。 要默认切换到仅粘贴文本, 在下拉菜单中选择仅保留文本 。 您可以更改所有选项的设置,也可以只更改所需的设置。 如果我们要粘贴在同一文档中,我们通常希望保留格式,因此我们默认保留第一个选项,然后将所有其他选项切换为“仅保留文本”


Once you’ve changed the settings, try pasting some text to make sure it works right.  Now it should just paste the text, even if your paste included an image, link, or other text formatting.  This is great for the default setting, and makes everything much quicker.

更改设置后,请尝试粘贴一些文本以确保其正常工作。 现在,即使您粘贴的内容包含图片,链接或其他文本格式,它也应该粘贴文本。 这对于默认设置非常有用,并且可以使一切更快。


Or, if you decide you want to include the formatting, links, or other content from the paste, just click the popup and select Keep Source Formatting.  This way, you’ll only have to click extra if you need the extra content.

或者,如果您决定要包括粘贴中的格式,链接或其他内容,只需单击弹出窗口并选择保留源格式 。 这样,仅在需要更多内容时才需要单击多余的内容。


Now you can save time and get just the text you want from websites, other programs, and more without waiting for a large paste and taking the time to tweak it.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/32562/make-microsoft-word-always-use-plain-text-for-pasted-text/

word 粘贴富文本