
对于企业来说,都会不同程度的对用户的Security policy进行设置,其中包括一项 -用户输入密码错误超过几次后用户自动被锁。对于当前使用的用户如何知道是否被锁呢?本文主要对此进行介绍。



打开Commonand Prompt,输入net userusername /domain,并回车运行会得到下面结果。Account Active中如果显示Locked说明当前Account被锁。


Machine generated alternative text::\Users\yitingt>net user ._ [  /domainhe request will be processed at a domain controller for domain gic.com.sg,-3_,—-___ ç_C.ser name . ..--ull Nameomment 625639ser’s commentountry code 000 (System Default)ccount active Lockedccount expires Neverassword last set 28/07/2016 13:45:41assword expires Neverassword changeable 28/07/2016 13:45:41assword required Noser may change password Yesorkstat ions allowed Allogon scriptser profileome directoryast lopon 19/12/2016 14:09:51



打开Active User and Computer,点击搜索找到当前用户,双击查看属性,在Account tab中查看是否lock

Machine generated alternative text:Password ReplicationRemote controlPersonal Virtual DesktopGeneral Address AccountUser logon name:Diakn Environment SessionsRemote Desktop Services ProfileCOM+ ) UNlXi4ttñbutesProfile Telephones J Organization Member OfItestldb gic.com.sgUser logon name fre-Windows 2000):IGICNTh ItestldbLogon Hours... LogOnTo...F Unlock acri1 !Account options:F User must change password at next logonF User cannot change passwordF Password never expiresF Store password using reversible encryptionAccount expireseverr Hndof:OK Cancel Annlu Help


