



You know that thing where you copy something important, forget to paste it anywhere, then copy something else? It sucks, because the important thing you copied first is gone.

您知道要复制重要内容的东西,忘记将其粘贴到任何地方,然后再复制其他东西吗? 很烂,因为您首先复制的重要内容消失了。

Unless, of course, you have a clipboard manager. We’ve talked about Windows clipboard managers, and even how to sync your clipboard between iOS and macOS, but somehow we never got around to any clipboard management tools for macOS.

当然,除非您有剪贴板管理器。 我们讨论过Windows剪贴板管理器 ,甚至还讨论了如何在iOS和macOS之间同步剪贴板 ,但是不知何故,我们从来没有使用过任何适用于macOS的剪贴板管理工具。

There are plenty of options out there for Mac clipboard managers, but ClipMenu is our go-to tool. It’s free, functional, and flexible. Installing takes just a few minutes: download the DMG file, mount it, then drag the application over to your Applications folder.

Mac剪贴板管理器有很多选择,但是ClipMenu是我们的首选工具。 它是免费,实用且灵活的。 安装仅需几分钟:下载DMG文件,挂载它,然后将应用程序拖到“应用程序”文件夹中。


Just like that you’re up and running, though I suggest you set this application to run when your Mac boots, so you don’t have to start it manually later.

就像您已经启动并运行一样,尽管我建议您将此应用程序设置为在Mac启动时运行 ,所以您不必稍后手动启动它。

查看和使用剪贴板历史记录 (See and Use Your Clipboard History)

When you start up ClipMenu you’ll find a new menu bar icon. Click it to see your recent clipboard history.

启动ClipMenu时,您会发现一个新的菜单栏图标。 单击它以查看您最近的剪贴板历史记录。


When you first launch the program you won’t see many things here, but as you copy more you’ll see your collection grow. Click anything here and it will paste automatically.

首次启动该程序时,在这里不会看到很多东西,但是当您复制更多内容时,您会看到收藏量不断增长。 单击此处的任何内容,它将自动粘贴。

Of course, moving your mouse to the menu bar can get in the way of your workflow. If you’d prefer a keyboard shortcut, click “Preferences” then head to the “Shortcuts” section.

当然,将鼠标移至菜单栏可能会影响您的工作流程。 如果您希望使用键盘快捷键,请单击“首选项”,然后转到“快捷方式”部分。


Here you can set any shortcut you like; I personally use Command+Option+V, but you can use something different if you like. Once you do you can bring up a menu full of your clippings while using any program.

您可以在此处设置任何您喜欢的快捷方式; 我个人使用Command + Option + V,但是您可以根据需要使用其他功能。 完成后,您可以在使用任何程序时调出一个包含所有剪辑的菜单。


Use the arrow keys to quickly browse your collection, or press the number keys to make a selection even faster (press “1” for the first option, “2” for the second, and so on.)

使用箭头键快速浏览您的收藏集,或按数字键以更快地进行选择(第一个选项按“ 1”,第二个选项按“ 2”,依此类推。)

And there you have it! You now have an ongoing archive of the things you’ve copied. But that’s not all this application can do, so let’s go over a few key features.

在那里,您拥有了! 现在,您将拥有一个已复制内容的持续存档。 但这不是该应用程序可以做的所有事情,因此让我们来看一些关键功能。

在粘贴之前立即修改文本 (Instantly Modify Text Before You Paste It)

The first thing I’d like to point out is “Actions,” which allows you to do things like PASTE TEXT IN ALL CAPS, or (more likely) paste text that’s already in all caps in lowercase. You can also paste what was formatted text as plain text, which comes in handy a lot.

我要指出的第一件事是“动作”,它使您可以执行以下操作:在所有大写字母中粘贴文本,或者(更有可能)以小写形式粘贴所有大写字母中已经存在的文本。 您还可以将格式化后的文本粘贴为纯文本,这非常方便。

To learn how this works, head to the “Action” tab in the Preferences window. From here you can set a mouse and keyboard gesture to launch the Action Menu. You can also pick what does and does not show up in the Action menu.

要了解其工作原理,请转到“偏好设置”窗口中的“操作”标签。 您可以在此处设置鼠标和键盘手势以启动“操作菜单”。 您还可以选择“操作”菜单中显示和不显示的内容。


To trigger the option menu, simply launch ClipMenu, then click on something using the gesture you picked (by default, holding Control and clicking.) A menu will pop up, showing all of the options you’ve selected:



You can also set specific gestures for specific actions. For example, you could make Command+click trigger pasting something as plain text, if you like.

您还可以为特定操作设置特定手势。 例如,如果愿意,可以使Command + click触发器将某些内容粘贴为纯文本格式。

在片段中编译经常粘贴的东西 (Compile Frequently Pasted Things In Snippets)

I have lots of Very Important Emoji that i need to use on a regular basis. I store these in the Snippets menu, which you can find in the Preferences.

我有很多非常重要的表情符号,需要定期使用。 我将它们存储在“片段”菜单中,您可以在“首选项”中找到它们。


Of course, you could put pieces of text you find yourself repeating a lot, instead of just emoji. From form emails you need to send regularly to the outline of a report you regularly write, this has all sorts of uses. You can add as many folders full of bits of text as you like. You’ll find your Snippets below your clipboard items.

当然,您可以放很多重复的文字,而不仅仅是表情符号。 从您需要定期发送的表单电子邮件到您定期编写的报告的大纲,它具有各种用途。 您可以根据需要添加尽可能多的充满文本位的文件夹。 您会在剪贴板项目下找到代码段。


If you want faster access, you can set a system-wide keyboard shortcut for Snippets in the Shortcuts menu of the Preferences.


I’ve been using ClipMenu so long that it feels like it’s part of macOS at this point. I can’t imagine using my computer without it. I’m sure once you get used to how everything works you’ll feel the same way.

我一直在使用ClipMenu很久了,以至于感觉到它现在已经是macOS的一部分。 我无法想象没有它就使用我的计算机。 我敢肯定,一旦您习惯了一切工作原理,就会有同样的感觉。

