



Maybe you’ve heard of, a popular website with thousands of tutorial videos teaching computer skills like programming, web design, and how to use almost any software you can think of. It’s a great service, but it’s not cheap: subscriptions start at around $20 a month, and can cost as much as $30 a month if you want offline access to the videos.

也许您已经听说过 ,这是一个受欢迎的网站,其中包含成千上万的教学视频,教授计算机技能,例如编程,网页设计以及如何使用您可以想到的几乎所有软件。 这是一项很棒的服务,但并不便宜:订阅起价为每月约20美元,如果您想离线访问视频,则订阅费用可能高达每月30美元。

But there’s a workaround: local libraries around the world provide free access to the service, and there’s a decent chance your local library is one of them. Here’s how to find out.

但是有一种解决方法:世界各地的本地图书馆都可以免费使用该服务,并且您的本地图书馆很有可能是其中之一。 这是查找方法。

什么是 (What Is

Lynda, acquired by LInkedIn back in 2015, is a massive collection of online video courses primarily focused on technology and business. It’s basically a souped-up version of those sites that offer free online courses.

Lynda于2015年被LInkedIn收购,拥有大量在线视频课程,这些课程主要侧重于技术和商业。 从根本上说,这是那些提供免费在线课程的网站的增强版本。

For example: if you want to learn about Linux software, there are over 700 video courses. Some cover advanced topics, like network security, while others aim to help beginners explore and use Ubuntu’s Unity interface.

例如:如果您想了解Linux软件,则有700多个视频课程。 其中一些涵盖了高级主题,例如网络安全性,而另一些则旨在帮助初学者探索和使用Ubuntu的Unity界面。


There are hundreds of courses outlining Microsoft Office features, and an especially large archive of videos teaching design and audio-video skills.

有数百门课程概述了Microsoft Office功能,以及一个视频教学设计和音频视频技能的特别庞大的档案库。

In short, if you want to learn to do something on the computer, this is a good way to do it. There are even videos teaching productivity skills.

简而言之,如果您想学习在计算机上做某事,这是一个很好的方法。 甚至有视频讲授生产力技能。


The videos themselves are professionally done, and most courses come with a collection of PDF worksheets you can fill in as you go through the course. A transcript of the audio is highlighted, in real-time, below the video, so you can read along if that helps you focus, or you can watch in full-screen instead.

视频本身是经过专业处理的,大多数课程都附带了PDF工作表,您可以在学习过程中填写这些工作表。 音频的文字记录会在视频下方实时突出显示,因此您可以一起阅读以帮助您集中注意力,也可以全屏观看。

如何查看您的图书馆是否提供Lynda访问 (How to See If Your Library Offers Lynda Access)

Not every library offers, but a surprising number do. Here’s how to find out if your local library system offers this service.

并非每个图书馆都提供,但数量惊人。 这是查找本地图书馆系统是否提供此项服务的方法。

  • Check your library’s website. Lynda will typically be listed in the Resources section of your local library’s site, if it’s available. If you can’t find it by browsing the site, try Googling the name of your local library system with the word “Lynda” and see if anything comes up.

    检查您图书馆的网站 。 如果可用,Lynda通常会列在您本地图书馆站点的“资源”部分中。 如果无法通过浏览该站点找到它,请尝试使用“ Lynda”一词谷歌搜索本地图书馆系统的名称,然后查看是否出现任何问题。

  • Go to the library and ask a librarian. They’ll know if the service is offered, and and probably point out other great digital resources as well. Many branches offer ebooks, for example. If you’re totally opposed to leaving the house, you could always call or email your local library instead.

    去图书馆,并询问图书管理员。 他们会知道是否提供了服务,并且可能还会指出其他出色的数字资源。 例如,许多分支机构都提供电子书。 如果您完全反对离开家,可以随时致电当地的图书馆或通过电子邮件发送。

Generally, to use Lynda via a library, you’ll need to bookmark a special landing page. Here’s what mine looks like in Washington County, Oregon:

通常,要通过库使用Lynda,您需要在特殊的着陆页上加上书签。 这是俄勒冈州华盛顿县的地雷:


This will direct you to a page where you log on. First you’ll log onto your local library’s website, using your library card number, then you’ll log onto itself. To use you must do these things in that order. It’s slightly annoying, but gives you free access, so it’s hard to complain.

这会将您定向到您登录的页面。 首先,您将使用图书馆卡号登录本地图书馆的网站,然后登录Lynda.com本身。 要使用,您必须按该顺序执行这些操作。 这有点烦人,但可以让您免费访问,所以很难抱怨。

使用桌面应用程序离线查看视频 (View Videos Offline With The Desktop App)

Lynda lets you watch videos on the web, but you might be wondering if they work offline. They do, if you download the free app for Windows or macOS. Once you’ve installed that application and signed in, you can use the “View Offline” link seen below every video.

Lynda允许您在网络上观看视频,但是您可能想知道它们是否可以离线工作。 如果您下载了适用于Windows或macOS的免费应用程序,他们就会这样做。 安装该应用程序并登录后,您可以使用每个视频下方显示的“离线查看”链接。


Click this button and the video will automatically start downloading in the Lynda desktop app.



In my experience, this worked even if I was signed into Lynda via the library, meaning I can work my way through courses even when I don’t have Internet access.



I could point out a lot more about Lynda, but it’s intuitive enough for the most part. If you can get free access from your library, find a few courses to work your way through and get learning.

我可以指出更多有关Lynda的信息,但是在大多数情况下,它非常直观。 如果您可以从图书馆免费访问,请找到一些课程来逐步学习并学习。

